Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Purpose of a Business

The Purpose of a Business Let’s start by asking you to answer a question. Withoutintellectualizing it or thinking what you think might be a cleveranswer, please say out loud the very first thing that comes to your mind... What's the Purpose of your business...? Or any business in theworld? Perhaps your answer might be something like, "Make money" or "Tomake a profit" or "To be fulfilled". Or, perhaps your answer was, "To help others" or "To help people solve their problems." Two different answers and two different vibrations. If your answer was similar to the first set, such as making money, ask yourself this, does it demonstrate a focus on you andyour business or does it focus on other people? It's on you and what you want, isn’t it? This is your Personal Agenda. And the second set? Your focus is on others, to help them get what they want. This is what is called as coming from a place of Purpose. Purpose and Personal Agenda The reason we ask the question "What is the Purpose of a business?" ... your words give you away!! What do we mean by this? Well, have you ever thought that your thoughts and words are energy that people directly or indirectly feel? Have you ever thought people can consciously and subconsciously feel your real intent? That they know whether you are focused on your Personal Agenda, which is about you and whatyou want, or on your Purpose, which is about helping them get what they want? To paraphrase an ancient saying... "Your words are an extension of your thoughts Your actions are an extension of your words And your habits are an extension of your actions" What you receive in life, and the way people respond to you, is based on your words, your actions and your habits. And it all starts where? With a thought! Everything starts with a thought. That's why thoughts are sopowerful. That's why choosing how you think and act willdetermine how life and people respond to you So back to the original question about the purpose of your business! The questions you have to ask yourself then, is, are you really in business for you, (Personal Agenda) or are you in it for other people (Purpose)? The truth is in the following question; If your solution cannot solve someone's problem, is there anyreason for them to do business with you? No, there isn't! So the real purpose of a business then is not about you and what you want, it’s to help other people solve their problems, or get what they want, need or desire. And that is the first principle... Principle 1. is Helping Other People Solve their Problems Another ancient saying says, "When you seek to serve, you ultimately serve yourself!" It's just a matter of knowing how to do it! And that is precisely what the this will do for you. It will allow you to effortlessly and easily help others get what they want that will ultimately allow you to get what you want without any anxiety in the process of doing so. Now, if you know how to help people solve their problems, and you can do it with your own solutions, you will achieve what? Your Personal Agenda, which is your own reason for being in business. Selling As a Problem Solving Exercise. If the purpose of a business is to help other people solve their problems, you could say that selling is merely a Problem Solving Exercise. It's not a telling or persuading exercise. It's all todo with problem solving. You could call yourself a PROBLEM SOLVER! With problems come opportunities. The opportunity for you is to help others get what they want and to be rewarded for it.
Call to Action
1. Reflect on how by serving others, you can achieve what it is that you want. 2. Two quotes to think about: "You can get anything you want if you help enough people get whatthey want" - Zig Ziglar
2.People don't care how much you know till they know how much you care.
Best Regards Bill MacMunn Checkthis out.

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