Thursday, December 10, 2009

I wanted to share how a quick email coming from your truth can have possible outcomes.. I have worked with a Leads program this year to allow myself the pleasure of exposing the opportunity I have in the Health and wellness Industry.
I am blessed to have many Incredible people join my team this year, however I know there are many who stayed stuck in their fear not willing to take a chance and believe not only in themselves but the possibility that there truly are people who believe in your success more than yourself..
This letter has generated a large response and allowed people to dream again.. I just wanted to share it with you. Here you Go

2009 is coming to a close.. Have you achieved the level of success your wanted this year?I have asked that question to hundreds of people over the last few weeks.. Some are honest enough with themselves and said No.. Others didn't really have an answer, and some used the economy as a reason for things not moving forward.

I'm sure you receive Lot's of e-mails from people promising success without putting in the effort.. I know I still do.. What I have found is those people who are willing to take control of there lives and are willing to change some of the thoughts they have towards success.. WIN!
I am grateful for the team of people who took that step towards change and being a part of their success has been a blessing to me and my Family.

You are receiving this e-mail because at one time this year you were looking for an opportunity to make some changes in your Financial situation..

You show the makings of success by looking that's the start.. Take the moment and ask yourself this question

If I keep doing what I have been doing where will I end up?

Insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result!
Relationship Marketing is what we do.. Here is my blogg.. Read my Blog

Take a moment read it please.. I want to extend another opportunity for you to take a look at what is available for you..

E-mail me back or pick up the phone and let's get 2010 off to a great start for you and your Family.. You can do this because your not alone.

Many Blessings to you and your loved ones

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