Tuesday, December 29, 2009

If You Change One Thing, You Change Everything!

Looking back on your life, what would you change if you could?

Over the Holidays the classic movies were on remember"

In the classic 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life, the main character, a small-town bank officer played by Jimmy Stewart, is about to commit suicide when an angel shows him how different the lives of people in Bedford Falls would be if he hadn't been born. The movie is a favorite because it affirms how each of us touches the lives and shapes the future in unexpected and often marvelous ways.

Given the potential impact of every decision you make, it's wise to think ahead. Although few things turn out exactly as we plan, the better we understand how our choices start a chain reaction of events, the more likely we are to get what we want.

The enormous complexity of cause and effect leads to another conclusion: It's futile to look back at our lives with "what if" scenarios. What's done is done. Although changing our past would change our present, it would do so in ways that are so unpredictable that we could never know whether it would be for better or worse.

Accept and celebrate the fact that what you are today is a direct result of everything that's happened to you. It's pointless to wish things were different. Remember, if you change one thing, you change everything.
I said to someone the other day "everything that happened last year happened because it was supposed to happen"The person said "Bill your crazy you mean to tell me that the terrible things that I went through this year were supposed to happen i don't think so Bill' I said here is why
"Everything happened that were supposed to happen because they did!"
I can accept it because I can't change it, I can learn and grow from those experiences and so can you.How you look at things makes all the difference and the meaning you give them.

TAKE 100% RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE As human beings, we often believe we don't have enough money,romance, success or joy in our lives. But what we need to understand is that greatness exists in all of us. It's simply a matter of pulling that greatness out of ourselves and using it to get us from where we are now...to where we want to be. While many people believe they are entitled to live a great life, top achievers we've met over the years know they must take 100% responsibility for achieving the lifestyle, relationships, financial freedom and opportunities they experience in their lives. This isn't always easy. But one way to start taking more responsibility is to begin responding differently to the events that occur in your life.
You Get What You Give.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay, "Compensation," wrote that each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed. The Law of Compensation is another restatement of the Law of Sowing and Reaping. It says that you will always be compensated for your efforts and for your contribution, whatever it is, however much or however little.
As we look to 2016 with excitement and anticipation remember "If we keep doing the same things over again we will keep getting the same result's better put "definition of insanity is keep doing the same things over again and expect a different result"I'm not going to give you all steps to goal setting like hundreds of people do what i will say is everything you need is inside you right now, let's draw out what that is in
2016 and what does it mean to you? Will you define yourself? Will you take action on becoming the person you were meant to be? If you said yes congratulations to you.. Now become accountable to someone who you trust and respect and be the person you have been destined to become...To Learn more about becoming better you I have had the pleasure to work with Erika Larson and that's exactly what she does, coaches Mentors and draws out the Gifts in each person.. we all have them and when you know what yours are it's empowering and foundational  towards your success in all areas of your life.

See you in the New Year.
God's blessing over you and your Family I will see you in 2016

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Purpose of a Business

The Purpose of a Business Let’s start by asking you to answer a question. Withoutintellectualizing it or thinking what you think might be a cleveranswer, please say out loud the very first thing that comes to your mind... What's the Purpose of your business...? Or any business in theworld? Perhaps your answer might be something like, "Make money" or "Tomake a profit" or "To be fulfilled". Or, perhaps your answer was, "To help others" or "To help people solve their problems." Two different answers and two different vibrations. If your answer was similar to the first set, such as making money, ask yourself this, does it demonstrate a focus on you andyour business or does it focus on other people? It's on you and what you want, isn’t it? This is your Personal Agenda. And the second set? Your focus is on others, to help them get what they want. This is what is called as coming from a place of Purpose. Purpose and Personal Agenda The reason we ask the question "What is the Purpose of a business?" ... your words give you away!! What do we mean by this? Well, have you ever thought that your thoughts and words are energy that people directly or indirectly feel? Have you ever thought people can consciously and subconsciously feel your real intent? That they know whether you are focused on your Personal Agenda, which is about you and whatyou want, or on your Purpose, which is about helping them get what they want? To paraphrase an ancient saying... "Your words are an extension of your thoughts Your actions are an extension of your words And your habits are an extension of your actions" What you receive in life, and the way people respond to you, is based on your words, your actions and your habits. And it all starts where? With a thought! Everything starts with a thought. That's why thoughts are sopowerful. That's why choosing how you think and act willdetermine how life and people respond to you So back to the original question about the purpose of your business! The questions you have to ask yourself then, is, are you really in business for you, (Personal Agenda) or are you in it for other people (Purpose)? The truth is in the following question; If your solution cannot solve someone's problem, is there anyreason for them to do business with you? No, there isn't! So the real purpose of a business then is not about you and what you want, it’s to help other people solve their problems, or get what they want, need or desire. And that is the first principle... Principle 1. is Helping Other People Solve their Problems Another ancient saying says, "When you seek to serve, you ultimately serve yourself!" It's just a matter of knowing how to do it! And that is precisely what the this will do for you. It will allow you to effortlessly and easily help others get what they want that will ultimately allow you to get what you want without any anxiety in the process of doing so. Now, if you know how to help people solve their problems, and you can do it with your own solutions, you will achieve what? Your Personal Agenda, which is your own reason for being in business. Selling As a Problem Solving Exercise. If the purpose of a business is to help other people solve their problems, you could say that selling is merely a Problem Solving Exercise. It's not a telling or persuading exercise. It's all todo with problem solving. You could call yourself a PROBLEM SOLVER! With problems come opportunities. The opportunity for you is to help others get what they want and to be rewarded for it.
Call to Action
1. Reflect on how by serving others, you can achieve what it is that you want. 2. Two quotes to think about: "You can get anything you want if you help enough people get whatthey want" - Zig Ziglar
2.People don't care how much you know till they know how much you care.
Best Regards Bill MacMunn

www.becomingabetteryou.com Checkthis out.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I wanted to share how a quick email coming from your truth can have possible outcomes.. I have worked with a Leads program this year to allow myself the pleasure of exposing the opportunity I have in the Health and wellness Industry.
I am blessed to have many Incredible people join my team this year, however I know there are many who stayed stuck in their fear not willing to take a chance and believe not only in themselves but the possibility that there truly are people who believe in your success more than yourself..
This letter has generated a large response and allowed people to dream again.. I just wanted to share it with you. Here you Go

2009 is coming to a close.. Have you achieved the level of success your wanted this year?I have asked that question to hundreds of people over the last few weeks.. Some are honest enough with themselves and said No.. Others didn't really have an answer, and some used the economy as a reason for things not moving forward.

I'm sure you receive Lot's of e-mails from people promising success without putting in the effort.. I know I still do.. What I have found is those people who are willing to take control of there lives and are willing to change some of the thoughts they have towards success.. WIN!
I am grateful for the team of people who took that step towards change and being a part of their success has been a blessing to me and my Family.

You are receiving this e-mail because at one time this year you were looking for an opportunity to make some changes in your Financial situation..

You show the makings of success by looking that's the start.. Take the moment and ask yourself this question

If I keep doing what I have been doing where will I end up?

Insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result!
Relationship Marketing is what we do.. Here is my blogg.. Read my Blog http://billmacmunn.blogspot.com/

Take a moment read it please.. I want to extend another opportunity for you to take a look at what is available for you..

E-mail me back or pick up the phone and let's get 2010 off to a great start for you and your Family.. You can do this because your not alone.

Many Blessings to you and your loved ones

Friday, December 4, 2009

What it takes to attract Leaders

What it takes to be a Network Marketing Professional is all about Connecting with people.. Everyone has something to contribute to your business..Every type of Individual can earn Big as long as they work at developing the skills of connecting with your heart…
You must be in action on IPO Income Producing Activities daily consistently..Its all about the Math…One of My Mentors says "when you understand the math you can’t fail".
Develop teams of people working together for the common objective Time with Financial Freedom.We are in the People Business way before we are in Nutrition or travel or what ever your deal is…Be the person you are looking for… You always attract like minded people.
I had a conversation with someone on my Team recently.. They asked me how they could attract the leaders, the Entrepreneurs, the goal getter's, not just goal setters..
One the greatest lessons in life "Be the Person you want to attract"Create the mindset that says I am the Leader that Leaders are looking for!
When you know that your Opportunity can and will change and enrich someones life with the proper amount of effort and time, you have an obligation to share it with people..When you come from that place and belief you will attract those that are looking for you.
Of course there are other factors, however saying that the greatest attributes to posses.. PASSION. People who are passionate about what they do will always attract the Leaders that you desire to have as part of your team.
When you read books and Listen to the Master trainers and Teachers in the world and they Inspire, motivate ,teach,support us to believe in ourselves and whats possible... Your Passion and confidence grow and grow.
Interesting fact.. Good in Good Out/ Garbage doom and gloom information, doom and gloom comes out.. I can always tell from a conversation with people what they listen to and read..
Possibility thinking comes out of the mouths of those who are in the growth mode...
Here is your call to Action
Dust off the Books, CD,s that you have and commit to read and listen everyday, feed yourself the thoughts that will take you where you truly want to go. Remember good in good will come out..The greatest asset you have are your thoughts.Feed the mind the food for great thoughts and watch what happens to your conversations and you will attract the Leader's to you as you continue to be the Leader yourself.Leaders are Readers

Some favorites for me in my Library Think and Grow Rich/Power of positive thinking/Bob proctor You were born Rich/Tom Hopkins books/Brian Tracy many books/ Zig Ziglar/Anthony Robbins Many books/ there truly are hundreds that I could share.. I think you get my point the tools are there for you...
Talk with you soon.
Best Regards
Bill MacMunn