Saturday, December 16, 2017

Is network marketing a good idea?

Here’s my quick list on the question
If you:
- Understand we build Networks to distribute product’s
- Understand that anything worth having takes effort
- Are coachable and have a good attitude
- Aren’t looking for some magical scratch lottery ticket
- Would like to make some additional money without changing occupations
- Are willing to face some rejection as many of the people you talk to will NOT buy from you or join you (and some may even ridicule you)
- AND you embrace the idea of giving it at least three years
-Are willing to encourage and support a group of others
-Are willing to make personal development a daily routine
-Would you like to create your own economy for future income
Truth is 3-5 years of consistent sharing products and opportunity, team building, and growing as a person will set you up for a life time of financial prosperity.
We have Team Members who have created an income producing asset equal to having over $2 Million dollars in the Bank !!!
How long would it take you to save $2 Million dollars? Economists tell us 98% never will
What’s 3 years of your life to take control of your freedom?
The most ethical business model on the planet Network Marketing
Help enough other people achieve what they want and you will have what you want.
It is always about the other person never about you!!!!!
 Bill MacMunn  1-250-508-1127
Entrepreneur and Coach

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