Monday, November 19, 2012

Income Producing Asset

IncomeProducing Asset I shared a teaching on this recently Do you have an income producing asset? How many? Here are some examples of income producing Assets Real estate that is leased or rented for more than the monthly cost. A Business that produces revenue even if your not working it. Investments that produce cash flow example You have $500,000 invested with your Financial Advisor giving you a return of 4% you receive about $20,000 per year return Thats an income producing asset. One small challenge for most people saving $500,000 dollars Possible yes, challenging yes. I was asked "isn't my job an income producing asset" My answer was this In a job you are the asset,you produce you are paid, if you don't produce you are not paid. If you don't work you don't get paid. Bottom line its only as good as your last pay check .Working while producing that income producing asset is the key. Here is what some of my Mentors have taught me about Income producing assets The Greatest way to create a very large" IncomeProducing Asset "is set up Networks of Distribution. That's what the greatest networkers will teach. This is something anyone can do Open a Business Centre for less than $500 Become mentored by others who understand that their success only comes after you are successful!Thats a beautiful thing.cooperation not competition Learn, teach , grow as you build your business with other people with similar goals and aspirations .You are building your Network of Distribution for a life time income.Income that keeps coming in month after month. Your Asset's are the people! Respect,Teach,Inspire Lead and your future Income Producing asset will grow as you grow! This is a relationship Business love people! One of my mentors said this"if you help enough people get what they want you in turn will get what you want" Congratulations to all of you who are building your Income Producing Assets Embrace what we do learn, grow and we will all meet our dreams and goals and enjoy the fruits,of our labour Bill

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Six Ways Successful People Stand Out!

  6 Ways Successful People Stand Out! Substance trumps style in the long run. Here's how to make the kind of impression that lasts. Professionals spend the vast majority of their time helping other people succeed: employees, customers, vendors and suppliers... the list goes on and on.  Helping other people succeed is your job, but it's also your job to focus on yourself, at least part of the time.  Why? Your success creates success for others--and success requires, at least in part, standing out from the crowd and being known for something.  Of course there are different ways you can stand out.  Be first, with a purpose. Lots of business owners are the first to arrive each day. That's great, but what do you do with that time? Organize your thoughts? Get a jump on your email? Instead of taking care of your stuff, do something visibly worthwhile for the company. Take care of unresolved problems from the day before. Set things up so it's easier for employees to hit the ground running when they arrive. Chip away at an ongoing project others are ignoring. Whatever you choose, do it consistently.  Don't just be the one who turns on the lights--be the one who gets in early and gets things done. The example you set will quickly spread. Be known for something specific. Meeting standards, however lofty those standards may be, won't help you stand out.  Go above the norm. Be the entrepreneur known for turning around struggling employees. Be the business owner who makes a few deliveries a week to personally check in with customers. Be the boss who consistently promotes from within. Be known as the person who responds quicker, or acts faster, or who always follows up first.  Pick a worthwhile mission and excel at that mission. Create your own side project. Excelling at an assigned project is expected. Excelling at a side project helps you stand out. The key is to take a risk with a project and make sure your company or customers don't share that risk.  The same works for a business owner. Experiment with a new process or service with a particular customer in mind. The customer will appreciate how you tried, without being asked, to better meet their needs, and you'll become "that guy." Put your muscle where your mouth is. Lots of people take verbal stands. Fewer take a stand and put effort behind their opinions. Say you think a project has gone off the rails; instead of simply showing everyone how smart you are by pointing out its flaws and revamping the timeline, jump in and help fix it.  It's easy to criticize what's wrong or to talk about what should be changed or could be improved. The people who stand out are the ones who help do something about it. Show a little of your personal side. Personal interests help other people to identify and remember you. That's a huge advantage for a new business or a company competing in a crowded market.  Just make sure your personal interests don't overshadow professional accomplishments. Being "the guy who ran a marathon" is fine, but being "the guy who is always training and traveling to marathons so we can never reach him when we need him" is not.  Let people know a little about you; a few personal details add color and depth to your professional image. Work harder than everyone else. Nothing--nothing--is a substitute for hard work. Look around: How many of your competitors are working as hard as they can?  Not many.  The best way to stand out is to try to out-work everyone else.  It's also the easiest, because you'll be the only one trying. For help creating securing your future, contact Bill MacMunn for a free Coaching consultation.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Connecting to Potential Client

Taking the time to Listen:
Here's a tip that could help you with your business.

When you're talking with people about your products, you may come
across someone who is not only using a competing product, but who
is a raving fan of that product.

On the face of it, that doesn?t seem a very promising situation.

However, here's a suggestion for you.

When the other person has finished telling you how much they love
the other product, simply say...

"That's great. I'd be interested, is there anything you would
change about your present product if you could? Or, is there
anything that you don't like about it?"

You'll be surprised at how often the other person will reveal to
you that, in fact, there are some things that could be better.

In many cases the difference between what they have and what they
really want is the clue and opportunity for you to introduce your
product as either an alternative or a complement to what they are
currently using. This is assuming of course you can fill the gap.
Finding the need and filling it!

Make your Day an amazing one! Don't wait for it to just happen.