Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dreams You Deserve them

"The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by obvious realities. We need men and women who can dream of things that never were..."
John F. Kennedy
1917-1963, Former American President

When I read this I am reminded of all the people who have gone before you and I and changed the world for good for millions of people.
It's pretty easy to find people that say "It can't be done" or that will never work because !!!!
One of my Mentors and Coach Bob Proctor says" Today is a manifestation of the past 7 years" Just like our Bodies.. They didn't just get tired,sluggish or overweight overnight.. W had to work at it.Dreams.. Do you still dream? or did you allow someone else or some circumstance to lose sight of that dream?
If you answered yes it's never to late to reignite that dream and feed its passion.
Let the people in your life that support your dreams surround you as you break through to the greatness that is each one of us and know that the desires of your heart will be fulfilled by the renewing of your Dreams.

I am reminded of one of my cleansers who desired to release over 100 pounds, and had tyred everything over the last 15 years.. when she decided she would do a cleanse her friends and family said : "another one of those things" She decided against all the skeptics and cynics that her dream was to be able to Walk and exercise and even compete in a marathon..Her Dreams were large..7 months later she not only released the 100 pounds she put on lean muscle mass therefore was able to compete in Marathons.. Dreams do happen, lives do change when the dreams are Big enough... Dream Big You deserve it.
This is your Call to Action What is your Dream? Decide right now, Visualize that Dream Daily and take steps towards accomplishing that Dream.

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